Blog #6: Opinions
What's good y'all, opinions are a very interesting topic I would like to talk about. Opinions are very valuable to society as that's how people learn different view points and compare and contrast them from their own. However in today's world people are very hard-headed and will shoot down any opinion that doesn't match their own. For example someone that is a Christian is unlikely to hear a muslim person out and it'd be hard to have a civil conversation about their religion. I know this from first hand experience as my brother is a very hard-headed Christian. People also tend to look down upon you or don't see you as equal if your opinion is different. Most people don't hear you out for what you have to say as they'll have a subconscious bias already doubting what you are saying. Hearing people out and trying to understand someone's opinion and why they feel that way is critical as it can prevent a lot of conflict. But it's difficult for a side to admit they're wrong about something or their pride clouds their judgement of changing their opinion. This can be seen in everyday life you just have to pay a little bit of attention to it as it pops up a lot more than you'd expect. See y'all on the next one.
Your four new entries are fairly good, Nice. You have some good ideas for topics, and you do include some good images. The layout and text formatting is mostly one block of text, which is not as engaging visually, and you have room to develop your ideas and content more; you are a bit brief. Dig further into your ideas to create more significance for your audience. Keep editing carefully as well. Missing Entry #5.