Entry #2 Communication

 What's good y'all. I've always felt like communication is the biggest factor for human interaction. Communication is so important to us, we wouldn't be able to understand or learn from each other without it. Most people don't even realize how vital it is to our society nowadays, we wouldn't be at this point in technology without communication. So why do people tend to lack communication when it matters the most? Or why is communication look passed when an issue comes up? While we as a society have gotten better at communication overtime it can still improve drastically. 

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In the last 25 years we as a society have gotten better at communicating with the development of smart phones. Wars or major conflict have been avoided from just communicating. A large issue with human interaction is the way a side will perceive something in which a way it wasn't supposed to be taken. For example if my mom calls my name from the kitchen and I yell "What!" She'll interpret that as me giving her attitude but I didn't mean to sound annoyed or mad. That is a misinterpretation of tone. There are several ways someone can misinterpret a message and cause the destruction from something as the current mood or even ones relationship. I've seen a lack of communication ruin peoples relationships. A tendency people have is to be stubborn or petty and cut the communication off with someone, whether that is a best friend or girlfriend, it happens more often than you think. We have came a long way from barely communicating with each other to being able to reach each other from the opposite sides of the world or even see different peoples viewpoints to see how they would feel in a situation. In times of disagreement or stress between people they need to communicate more than ever, not be petty and cut ties because they feel like they were in the right. As a society we are only going to get better at communicating, this is by far our biggest advantage as humans as it's always helped us get over obstacles in front of us or tackle large issues. See y'all on the next one!


  1. I agree as humans communicating is one of the most important things we can do. Lack of communication can be a detriment to both personal and professional relationships.


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