Blog Entry #3 Slanted Discussions

 What's good y'all. I have always watched basketball videos talking about each NBA team or the playoff bracket and how the season will turn out. I have also watched basketball discussions in which one side argues for a specific team beating the opposing side and there is someone opposing that idea as well. There is a YouTube channel named "Kenny For Real", I have watched Kenny since 2016 and I'm a big fan of him. His channel is somewhat like a blog, as in he talks about what's going on in the NBA and how he feels about situations. A example of this is when he talks about the Ben Simmons for James harden trade. He first talks about the trade details then shares his opinion on the matter. A view he also tends to have on trades is he can't judge them to much as he has to see how the team fits once they actually play together. For the most part he always gives his opinion though. He actually was my inspiration when I had to do a blog for my English 101 last semester as I wanted to write what's going on with the Chicago Bulls season.

Jackson's Block Leads to Brogdon's Three


  1. I like the example you give of the youtuber. its important to still have your opinions while still providing facts. it takes skill to be able to express your values without it over powering the statistics that you provide


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